Guillermo & Jennie Salinas – Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship- Mexico
Our ministry involves evangelism and discipleship. Guillermo is gifted in evangelism and is working with Evangelism Explosion in Mexico and Latin America helping to train and encourage trainers in evangelism in different countries throughout Latin America. He has just become part of World Reformed Fellowship and is working with other Latins in that group to facilitate seminary level virtual studies and hands on intensive training classes. Here in Zihuatanejo his focus is on making disciples, especially training leaders and giving them the vision and training to plant churches and reach the World, wherever God would call them, with the Gospel.
I, Jennie, work as the catalyst of a drama/puppet/clown ministry that is first of all a disciple making group and second a means of teaching the local church and reaching the community and surrounding areas with the Gospel.
For Guillermo, this involves preaching, teaching, evangelizing and making disciples one on one , in small cell groups and before the church. For me , this involves planning, organizing, encouraging and exhorting those on the drama team to follow Christ.